Price: Not fixed, for more information, contact me.
- New slots in the right place of the window help players to have easy access to some items like Talisman Online.
- The slots are visible just if they have an item attached.
- The animation showing all of the slots is visible when you drag a supported item to the slots.
- When you warp/login you will see a fade-out animation that remember you what’re the empty slots.
- When you drag a supported item by the quick slots, you’ll see a fade-in animation that remains visible until you have an item attached to the mouse, when you detach it the fade-out animation will start at a specific time, also you can attach/detach multiple items in a short time, animations are working with a small thread that will know you’re in the waiting state.
- The empty area of non-visible slots is clickable.
- You can configure the slots in server-side and automatically the animation will work for all of them, PM, checking the pages, and more.